When the tile score will not calculate or you get the message BAD_DATA, that means that one or more workloads is producing invalid data. Here is how you figure out which workload is the problem:
In a cygwin window, cd to your Results folder
cd /cygdrive/c/VMmark2/Results/Results_<yourfolder>
../../tilescore.pl -t 1 -i N
Run the tilescore.pl command N times where N is the number of tiles. Change N to equal 0, 1, ...N-1. You are testing tile N to see if its results will compute properly.
When the tilescore.pl will not complete properly, you know this tile has a problem.
tilescore.pl has options-M, -D, and -O which skip scoring Mailserver, DVDstore and Olio respectively. Use the -M -D -O flags, using process of elimination to find out which workload is causing the tilescore error.
Does this make sense? I will also take a look at it as well.