Re: Storage vMotion possible with ESXi Std Edt or not?
OK I will log a case but just for information as soon as i assign vSphere Enterprise license to host the Storage vMotion option becomes available in same setup.
View ArticleRe: vmware vsphere ICM v5.1 beginners
I too am on the VCP5 quest. After searching for several weeks, I found this -...
View ArticleRe: Workstation guest fails to restart or resume
Hi Thank you for your answers I tried to remove .lck but there was no such file Removing following files: .vmsd, .nvram had no effect on this error Solution : Commenting out the checkpoint.vmstate...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 vMotion migration of VM with 2 vmdk: one on SAN storage and...
You can use the powercli to edit the vmx configuration file (offline)
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 vMotion migration of VM with 2 vmdk: one on SAN storage and...
As JD indicated you should be able to script something with PoweCLI but as heindicated you will have to shut down the VM -
View ArticleVCloud not able to connect to itself using its own external IP?
In vcloud, each vm has an internal ip and an external ip. It appears to me that when a process in a vm sends a request to its external IP, it gets a timeout, while requests to its internal IP work...
View ArticleRe: QueryChangedDiskAreas crashes for one VM
Ok, I tried adding "moref=5-snapshot-68" style vmxspec when calling VixDiskLib_ConnectEx() on a machine is not corrupted like the other 3. When I do this, Open() later on fails with VixError=1. If I...
View ArticleRe: Fusion cannot find Boot Camp
I used the wizard but the Windows 7 DVD refused to boot in an external USB drive. So I had to use Fusion to make the partition bootable. Then I copied all the installation files onto the partition,...
View ArticleRe: Find VM via IP
Afaik the Name part of a filter name-value pair needs to be the name of a property that holds a scalar value.No arrays or nested objects I'm afraid.Remember, the filter does a RegEx with the value on...
View ArticleNetwork connectivity issue with Log Insight appliance
We are running the 1.0-beta virtual appliance and I've been noticing that the virtual appliance will fall off the network periodically for a short time. I've had constant pings going to it and it will...
View ArticleRe: RequestApproved email template
Could it be something like using<xsl:attribute name="to"><xsl:value-of select="','" /></xsl:attribute>or<xsl:copy-of select="mail/header/@to" />
View ArticleRe: QueryChangedDiskAreas crashes for one VM
I tried this How to find or validate Change Block Tracking results returned by VMware API | My Space and got this as the result:
View ArticleRe: Urgent - VM Will not power on
tomtom901 wrote: Can you provide a screenshot of the snapshot manager?Here you go:
View ArticleRe: How to convert a vApp to a vApp template so it can be added to a catalog
I figured this out on my own: just needed the following two workflows: capture a vapp add a catalog item
View ArticleRe: QueryChangedDiskAreas crashes for one VM
I tried that again - without success. I also don't have the entry "ide0:0.ctkEnabled" but "scsi0:0.ctkEnabled". Was that a typo or did something get converted somewhere on the way?
View ArticlestartSTAFProc.bat issue
Greeting, from the virtualclient I can see that the schedule task was working. But on the Prime Client machine. I cannot see the similar window active there, just a black (dos windows) open then close...
View Articleurgent: can we have multiple monitors for VDI with HTML access?
Hi all, Horizon view 5.2 We are able to enable multiple monitors when users access VMware Horizon View Client through view client group policy. But, I do not see the option to enable multiple monitors...
View ArticleRe: startSTAFProc.bat issue
I understood that the message is said that the STAF is not running, but how that happened? thanksnewbie
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