Re: Branding
Formal support for branding is coming up (logo on sign in, Portal, favicons etc.). Would be great to hear if there are specific things you need such as how important would be swapping out help links,...
View ArticleManually remove host from vcenter
Hi I want to know if some one has had some issue like this.This is the situation, some days ago I upgraded some host from versión 4.1 to 5.1 U1 and the vcenter server 4 to 5.1 but additionally I have...
View ArticleRe: vSphere client disabling the use windows session credentials option
Hi Guys, I got around a workaround of this issue.This was a requirement for a bank,as they required a manual login to all applications on the desktop for security.However, we used an SSPI disable xml...
View ArticleПроброс eToken
Есть vmware view 5.0u1, win 7, требуется пробросить ключ eToken (с эцп) в виртуальную машину.Такой макет работал: был тонкий клиент win xp, на нем стоял eToken PKI client 5.1 sp1 (с ним поставляются...
View ArticleRe: Manually remove host from vcenter
SSH into the esxi host and manually uninstall vpxa agent will do. Check this KB for more help : VMware KB: Reinstalling the vpxa or aam agent without losing the host record from the vCenter Server...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1.0 crashes under heavy network load
With all of those things ruled out, I suspect a TLB tagging issue. Can you try adding the following to your /etc/vmware/config (with all VMs powered off): monitor.virtual_mmu = software This should...
View ArticlevRDMA product status
Hi,What is the status of the Paravirtual vRDMA Device for ESXi Guests? When is the release?
View ArticleVDP Logs and Troubleshooting.
Hi All I have been using VDP for a few weeks now and it has been running without too many issues. In the last day or so I have seeing backups fail on 2 of my appliances. I would like to know the reason...
View ArticleRe: VOVA Download
The link is inside the vova manual that is linked to in the blog post. The VOVA manual is available in the documents section of the community.
View ArticleRe: Installed TCP/IP HP Laserjet 3390 defaults to wrong paper size (error in...
Not sure how to do what you suggest. I believe that the default setting in Fusion (set default printer from the host) mixes things up. If I install in the guest as TCP/IP, it works just fine. Next time...
View ArticleRe: Manually remove host from vcenter
I havent looked at the kb yet but you can use rqm -q to query the vpxa agent name and then use rpm -e to remove the agent. This works for all versions of ESX classic.
View ArticleRe: Add an Extension Field to record the last Officer Action and display this...
I suppose your custom script runs before new data (including the last action updates) is submited to the database (OnSubmit script is executed before the web form post).I would suggest to try using SQL...
View ArticleRe: VCenter Server hangs at Applying computer settings
Yes, if its taking longer than expected to troubleshoot this issue rebuilding vcenter might be easier. Note that you will lose vcenter settings, cluster settings, licenses of vc, custom permission,...
View ArticleRe: Nodata in the [DiskRead and Write]&[Network Received and Transmitted] of...
Hello!Thanks for reply. All you need is in the attachment. The VM(work_GJL) is in the resource pool which is named O3W.And the resouce pool is in a cluster,the storage is NFS.
View ArticleRe: View 5.1.1 connection server disconnects sessions for more than 600 users...
There is a open SR for this issue. It is observed in View 5.2 as well. Please reach out to support team.
View ArticleRe: vSphere Replication is too slow compared to bandwith
Hi Dave, Mind to share the statistic of improved network QoS?? Where do we see the data changes size between the replication duration? Hope we get the share the real number for replication rate of WAN...
View ArticleRe: Manually remove host from vcenter
Yes it works for ESX 3.5. For ESX 3.5vpx agent: /bin/rpm -qa | grep vpx/bin/rpm -e <output from previous command>For ESXi 3.5 and ESXi...
View ArticleRe: Restoring VM's from Data Recovery to new infrastructure
As long as you don't loose yor VDR-Data Disk, you can download a new VDR-appliance and deploy this to your new infrastructure. Than you can add your existing VDR-Data disk to the new appliance and...
View ArticleRe: Problem installing esxi 4.1 to ga-h77n
Hi, I have had similar issues on MSI motherboards with esxi, the trick for me was to change the SATA Mode to RAID, all other modes did not see the hard disks
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