Re: Help/Suggestions with setup
Yes I really need to take a course. thanks so much for all your help.
View ArticleRe: Help/Suggestions with setup
No you don't need to do that . I think you will need to take a course for understanding all VMware's functionalities. Allan please click Vote As Helpful, and/or Mark As Answer if your issue is...
View ArticleRe: Program that require .net framework?
Can you try this:"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\thinreg.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Desktop\NET 3.5\bin\*.exe"
View ArticleRe: Help/Suggestions with setup
Sure, you're welcome Always a pleasure to help someone in vmware community . I just edit my last post with some links for your understanding. Regards,Julien.
View ArticleRe: powercli, move vm in new datastore
You can use the Move-VM cmdlet to move a VM to another datastore: E.g.: Move-VM -VM 'MyVM1' -Datastore 'MyDatastore1'
View ArticleRe: How to change a name of an exsisting VM
If you're using v5.1 of the REST API, you can take advantage of the reconfigureVm action to change the name, Description, and other config details of a Vm. See Update Multiple Sections of a Virtual...
View ArticleRe: license cost compared to splunk
Log Insight is a standalone product and during the announcement licenses were listed as $200 per OSI. In addition, license packs were sold in pack of 25. For more information you would need to contact...
View ArticleRe: Need for vSphere Syslog Collector?
Hey Mike - from Log Insight you can run a query on a specific host (i.e. add a constraint where hostname equal <blah>) and then you can export the results (available from the menu drop-down to...
View ArticleRe: Need help creating a dashboard to count a total.
That is awesome! Thanks so much for posting the Dashboards, they helped me learn a lot!
View ArticleRe: localhost DNS name
The reverse DNS lookup is likely causing the issue. Thanks for reporting this, I will ensure it gets added to the release notes.
View ArticleRe: Best design for 1GB NFS
TheVMinator,I would personally stay away from LACP/Etherchannel if at all possible to keep it simple. LBT is definitely the way to go. Here is a great article on NFS and LBT seeing as I have not...
View ArticleRe: localhost DNS name
Thanks. For most instances like ours where we are using a static IP address and have permissions to add DNS entries manually to our DNS servers it really isn't an issue. However if people don't have...
View ArticleRe: Get Complete Inventory PowerCLI
Hi LucD. The script about was what you originally helped me with. I will like to add a line to show the LUN ID's for each storage LUN on each hosts and also add a line for WWN names of the hosts as...
View ArticleVCAC integration using openstack API with other cloud solution
Hi,We currently have a HP Cloud Service Solution and I am wondering if VCAC supports provisioning openstack VMs through the OpenStack API. I would like to be able and provision VMs via VCAC and...
View ArticleRe: Program that require .net framework?
I run this parameter:"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\thinreg.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Desktop\NET 3.5\*.exe" because i don't have bin folder but nothing happened. It doesn't give...
View ArticleRe: Triggering a java method when a specific AgentID is received as input...
I'm not quite sure I understand the question. Are you asking how to write a GemFire Function? Is the AgentID something specific to your application that you're passing as an argument or filter to the...
View ArticleHow to control a users experience?
I am currently running a Clustered pair of 2 ESXi Hosts running ESXi 4.1.0u3, managed by a vCenter Server. I am still relatively new to vCenter and all of it's functionality. I was wondering if the...
View ArticleRe: SSO - Moving user to another OU breaks SSO
Thanks both. I'll probably set it up like roag said and just point it to DC=mydomain,DC=com because I don't need to control access at the SSO level more than that, because vCenter access is all...
View ArticleRe: When can we expect a proper retina display implementation
Hello again, Not an answer, but maybe the following blog post helps a bit on mitigating the screen resolution issues:vElemental - Retina, VMware and Windows Addicts --Wil
View ArticleRe: Mala recepción de trafico con VMware Server!!
Hola muchas gracias por tu recomendación. Te comento que la infraestructura es la siguiente es un chasis de HP a un lado tiene las conexiones donde se virtualizan las maquinas y la aplicación para la...
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